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Miniatures Game

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  • Heroscape: Tournament Organizer Terrain Kit


    Heroscape: Tournament Organizer Terrain Kit


    Retailers sign up for the Battle Network and order your Heroscape Organized Play materials by clicking this link! Facilitate Heroscape tournaments in your store with the retailer exclusive Heroscape: Tournament Organizer Terrain Kit! This kit contains...

  • Heroscape: Waters of Valhalla Terrain Expansion 3D


    Heroscape: Waters of Valhalla Terrain Expansion


    Learn to play Heroscape with the DIZED app. Click here! Build and Customize! Rivers and oceans, lakes and puddles. Water takes many shapes, and Valhalla’s many environments are defined as much by their water as by any fixtures of land.  Build...

  • Power Rangers Zordon Dice Tower 3D Box

    Power Rangers

    Power Rangers Zordon Dice Tower & GM Screen


    The Power Rangers Zordon Dice Tower is compatible with both Heroes of the Grid and the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game and is a Renegade Exclusive! “Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!” ―Zordon The Power Rangers return to the Command...

  • Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid 3D

    Power Rangers

    Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid


    Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid is a co-operative board game for 2-5 players that challenges your team to save Angel Grove from Rita Repulsa’s evil army of monsters. Work together to fight off the incoming horde while building up your strength to...

  • Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Cyclopsis Deluxe Figure 3d

    Power Rangers

    Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Cyclopsis Deluxe Figure


    Face off against one of the Power Rangers’ toughest enemies ever Cyclopsis! This War Zord, represented by a giant-scale miniature, will not go down easily. The Rangers will need to coordinate their attacks to defeat Cyclopsis, who gets stronger as...

  • Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Dino Thunder Pack

    Power Rangers

    Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Dino Thunder Pack


    Dino Thunder!  Power Up! When evil threatens the city of Reefside, a new team of teenagers with attitude must rise to the occasion! Conner McKnight, Ethan James, Kira Ford, and Trent Mercer transform into the Dino Thunder Rangers to take on evil...

  • Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Light & Darkness 3D Box

    Power Rangers

    Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Light & Darkness


    Sometimes your greatest foe is yourself.  Everyone holds the potential for both great good and great evil!  When it comes to the Power Rangers, nowhere is that more evident than with these powerful forces of light and darkness. Jarrod, Heckyl,...