Red Battlezord Promo will be automatically added to your cart at no additional cost!
The Zeo Gold Character Pack!
6 Custom Dice
2 Single Sided Character Cards
1 Pyramidas Zord Card
1 Red Battle Zord Promo Card!
Red Battlezord Promo will be automatically added to your cart at no additional cost!
The Zeo Gold Character Pack!
6 Custom Dice
2 Single Sided Character Cards
1 Pyramidas Zord Card
1 Red Battle Zord Promo Card!
Power Rangers
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords! The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords...
Power Rangers
Zord Pack #3 introduces the Super Zeo Zords and the Super Zeo Megazord; featuring a total of 8 exclusive new Zords for Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid! This is a Renegade Exclusive.
Power Rangers
This is a Renegade Exclusive!
Power Rangers
This is a Renegade Exclusive! Bring the Shogunzords and Shogun Megazords into battle! Zord Pack #2 includes: 5 Zord Cards (Red Shogunzord, Blue Shogunzord, Black Shogunzord, White Shogunzord, Yellow...
Power Rangers
“Squatt! Baboo! Where are you two cretins?! I'm furious! Come here so I can berate you!” - Rita Repulsa Rita Repulsa’s most bumbling buddies have joined the fray. But don’t underestimate these...