Zord Pack #3 introduces the Super Zeo Zords and the Super Zeo Megazord; featuring a total of 8 exclusive new Zords for Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid!
This is a Renegade Exclusive.
Zord Pack #3 introduces the Super Zeo Zords and the Super Zeo Megazord; featuring a total of 8 exclusive new Zords for Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid!
This is a Renegade Exclusive.
Power Rangers
This is a Renegade Exclusive!
Power Rangers
This is a Renegade Exclusive! Bring the Shogunzords and Shogun Megazords into battle! Zord Pack #2 includes: 5 Zord Cards (Red Shogunzord, Blue Shogunzord, Black Shogunzord, White Shogunzord, Yellow...
Power Rangers
In Heroes of the Grid, players typically play with Rangers that have pre-constructed combat decks specifically tailored for that Ranger’s skills & abilities. Every combat card is...
Power Rangers
“You are guaranteed to face challenges in life, but you don’t need to face them alone. Not when you’ve got such good support around you.” ―Doctor K This expansion introduces five new playable...
Power Rangers
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords! The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords...