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Time Force: Trip Spoiler Blog!

Time Force: Trip Spoiler Blog!

Posted by Renegade Game Studios on Jul 18th 2022

I can see the future!

The next Time Force Ranger reveal is Trip! The Time Force Green Ranger and our resident alien with strange prophetic powers.

Trip’s unique ability is Future Vision! He has the ability to peer into possible futures, swapping out a current enemy card with another one from the same deck. This ability does not work on enemy passives, however he can really save the day by preventing some of the scarier enemy attack cards from resolving!


By managing to pick out the right enemy cards, Trip can then use abilities like the Electro Booster to deal massive damage! In addition Trip has a number of Recovery effects like his V3 blaster. Trip is all about keeping his allies safe. He can also Brainstorm with Circuit to provide even more energy for the team!

Of course his most unique card is Ambiguous Warning! Using this card gives that card to one of Trip’s allies at the start of a battle, and that card becomes a part of their deck for the rest of the game! (Or until they choose to pass it along to another Ranger.) Any Ranger with Ambiguous Warning in their deck has a bit more toughness and enhanced energy generation, but this can leave Trip a bit vulnerable to enemy attacks himself as he can be left with an 8-card deck after using both copies of Ambiguous Warning.

That’s all for now… but before I go let’s see what the future has in store… Looks like our next Ranger preview is gonna be Katie Walker! Stay tuned!

Haven't yet preordered the Time Force Ranger Pack? Pre-orders include Zord Pack #2, adding the mighty Shogunzords to the game! Be sure to reserve your copy today!