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Time Force: Lucas Kendall Blog!

Time for another Time Force reveal! Last but certainly not least, Lucas Kendall arrives to the spoiler party fashionably late.Lucas’ signature ability is his Flexibility. He’s excellent at adapti…

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Time Force: Katie Walker Blog!

Hey gang! Time for the next Time Force Ranger reveal! Let’s talk about Katie Walker! Time Force Yellow!The true powerhouse of the team, Katie Walker’s character ability is Heavy Force W…

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Time Force: Trip Spoiler Blog!

I can see the future!The next Time Force Ranger reveal is Trip! The Time Force Green Ranger and our resident alien with strange prophetic powers.Trip’s unique ability is Future Vision! He has the…

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Time Force: Wes Collins Spoiler Blog!

Let’s talk about WES COLLINS! The Time Force Red Ranger!Wes Collins continues the core Time Force Themes you’ve seen with Eric and Jen which is effects swapping. His character ability is Willful…

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