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Time Force: Lucas Kendall Blog!

Time Force: Lucas Kendall Blog!

Posted by Renegade Game Studios on Aug 1st 2022

Time for another Time Force reveal! Last but certainly not least, Lucas Kendall arrives to the spoiler party fashionably late.

Lucas’ signature ability is his Flexibility. He’s excellent at adapting to situations and keeping a cool head no matter the odds. With this power he can reveal a card from his hand when a Ranger reveals a card for defense to apply that card’s shield value instead of the revealed one.


Lucas is a defensive fighter who’s hard to fluster. His unflappable energy helps him keep his friends out of harms way and stay in the fight without losing his composure. These defensive cards along with his ability grant the Time Force team a great deal of staying power. Very useful given the aggressive way Wes burns through cards or how Trip is unusually fragile once he’s given out his warnings.


This defensive playstyle rewards Lucas for keeping a full hand, making sure his options are open and only throwing down when he most needs to. Both Stylish Strike and V-2 Blaster hit significantly harder when he’s got a lot of cards ready.

Flexible on both offense and defense, Lucas Kendall is your perfect wingman and #2.

That’s all for the Time Force spoilers! Hope you guys enjoyed these previews! Tell us who your favorite Ranger was!

Haven't yet preordered the Time Force Ranger Pack? Pre-orders include Zord Pack #2, adding the mighty Shogunzords to the game! Be sure to reserve your copy today!