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Transformers Roleplaying Game: Early PDF Release!

Hey Transformers! You’ve been patient through delays, and understanding as we work through the current state of production in the world. We promised we’d meet you halfway if we could find a way! So, a…

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Gen Con with Renegade - Your Roadmap!

Gen Con is just around the corner! We've got a ton of awesome events planned that you won't want to miss out on! This blog will update daily through this week, to provide a roadmap on how to get…

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My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Preview

Have you ever thought to yourself - “Wouldn’t it be awesome if I could hang out and read books all day with Twilight Sparkle or buck some apple trees with Applejack? Maybe even throw a party with Pink…

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Hunter: The Reckoning Character Journal Preview!

To celebrate the release of Hunter: The Reckoning, we would like to share a first look inside of the Hunter Character Journal! These character journals are an excellent resource that help pl…

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Character Creation Competition: Winner Interview!

So, you’ve got yourself a copy of the G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game, and now find yourself preparing to create your very own character! Whether you grew up watching G.I. JOE, or are just a fan of TT…

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