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Vampire: The Masquerade Player's Guide and Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition Update

Vampire: The Masquerade Player's Guide and Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition Update

Posted by Renegade Games on Sep 29th 2022

Hello Vamily! Today we’d like to share a quick update on the status of two eagerly anticipated products for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition!

First up is the Player’s Guide. This hardcover sourcebook contains vital information for player characters on each and every clan, including those previously featured outside the core rulebook: the Banu Haqim, Ministry, Hecata, Lasombra, Ravnos, Salubri, and Tzimisce. In addition to covering these 7 additional playable Vampire clans, the Player’s Guide also includes new Discipline powers, Blood Sorcery Rituals, and Thin-Blood Alchemy formulae, plus the Oblivion discipline and its ceremonies. Four brand-new predator types, as well as guidelines and advice for non-traditional coteries are included as well.

We initially teased at this book at Renegade Con Virtual in March 2022 for a summer release, but it has been delayed. We’re currently just wrapping up a final round of revisions for an expected release in Q2 2023. Look for an official product announcement from Renegade soon with more details, as well as previews!

Second, we have the Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition. The nature of the amazing props included in the Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition requires extensive back and forth between our development team and the factory, with many samples and revisions, and this process was slowed by the numerous factory closures our partners overseas experienced in late 2021 and throughout 2022.

The Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition is now expected to release in Q3 of 2023. With the extra time, our RPG team has been working hard to make this an even more amazing prop for your Vampire: The Masquerade games. The development team has been scouring the back catalog for lost passages and additional artifacts to help make up for the delays. These new inclusions will be added at no additional cost to buyers! As work continues we’ll keep sharing updates, revealing new additions as they are confirmed! The art we share below is not final and may change before publication.

We’re very thankful for the community’s patience when it comes to long-awaited books and accessories like these and we’re committed to bringing them to your tables in their best form!