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Transformers Roleplaying Game Community Poll: Background Bonds!

Transformers Roleplaying Game Community Poll: Background Bonds!

Posted by Renegade Game Studios on Sep 13th 2022

Transformers Month week 2 is here! Engaging with the community and hearing about the parts of the book they're enjoying the most is one of our favorite parts of these celebration months! In that spirit, we'll be continuing our fan-favorite polls throughout the month! Last week, we asked our Transformers community which Background Bond from the core rulebook was their favorite/top pick!

Many votes were placed, and it took some time for a clear favorite to pull ahead! Eventually, a trend began to reveal itself, and the majority voiced their favorite.

The community favorite Background Bond, taking 31% of total votes, is... the EXPERIMENT!

An understandable community favorite, the Experiment background is ripe with bonds that just simply get you excited to play your character! Of course, that is the intent with backgrounds, but the Experiment background bonds do it very well! I mean, c'mon, look at number four. A secret technological upgrade utilized to play practical jokes? That's a recipe for fun at the table if I've ever seen one.

We asked James F. Sambrano, one of the writers on the corebook, about the approach to designing the Background Bonds for the Transformers Roleplaying Game. We also asked more specifically, what inspirations influenced the design of the Experiment background bond. Here's what he said!:

"When we approached designing the Background Bonds, the primary goal was to make each one feel like they added a punch or brought a twist to each character. Additionally, it was important that each one was tied to some aspect of Transformers lore, so it would feel like your characters really belonged in the broader story of Transformers.

For example, the Experiment Background Bond was designed with characters like Blitzwing, Soundblaster, and Toxitron in mind. What these three characters had in common is that they were either created in an unusual way, or else modified significantly. In the Lore, Shockwave is responsible for experimenting on, modifying, and even creating so many different Transformers characters. It's easy to imagine that your character came about as a result of Shockwave's experiments, or else some other questionable scientist."

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