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Transformers Month Week 4: Grand Finale!

Transformers Month Week 4: Grand Finale!

Posted by Renegade Game Studios on Sep 27th 2022

It's time for another week of Transformers Month! To celebrate the release of the Transformers Roleplaying Game PDF, and the upcoming release of the physical book releasing October 11, we've crafted some free bonus content for the game that we'll be dropping weekly! Along with bonus content, we've got special events running for you to get involved with!

Week 4 is here! Our final week features NINE pages of bonus content, the grand conclusion of our character creation competition, and even more! Here's a list of all the Transformers Month happenings this week!:

  • Transformers Character Creation Competition Voting Phase: The voting phase for the competition has begun on the Discord server! The winner will have their character featured in an official Renegade article! They will also be interviewed on their character creation process, and get to have their thoughts included in the article! Go vote!!!
  • Transformers Roleplaying Game Actual Play Session 7: Join us at 5pm PST on for our Transformers Roleplaying Game actual play! Learn to play the game in a fun and entertaining way, or if you're a GM, use the sessions are inspiration to prep for your very own campaign!

  • CONTENT DROP - Canon Pre-Gen Characters - Featuring the fourth free bonus content drop of the month! Includes NINE pre-gen canon characters for use in your Transformers Roleplaying Game campaigns! Arcee, Blaster, Eject, Bumblebee, Chromia, Cliffjumper, Elita-1, Jazz, and Wheeljack! 

    Download the free content from our Transformers Month landing page!

Haven't yet ordered your copy of the Transformers Roleplaying Game? Pre-order before release on October 11 to receive FREE immediate access to the PDF for a limited time! Don't miss the deal!

Already have your copy? Time to get involved with the community! Join our Discord server or dedicated Transformers Facebook Group to join the conversation and participate in our fun community events!