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Hunter: The Reckoning Character Creation Competition

Hunter: The Reckoning Character Creation Competition

Posted by Renegade Game Studios on Jun 15th 2022

The Hunter: The Reckoning Character Creation Competition will be active through the entirety of Hunter month, with a winner being voted upon and selected during the final week of July! The goal of the competition is simple: create your best Hunter character using the tools provided by the RPG book, and post them in the #hunter-character-creation-competition channel that has been created for this event on our discord server!

The winning character will receive a cameo feature as an NPC in a future Renegade actual play episode for Hunter: The Reckoning! Watch as your character is brought to life by expert storyteller Diana DiMicco! Plus, other rewards (read more below!).

The Hunters will be rated on 3 primary aspects:

1. Originality
2. Appearance/Aesthetic
3. Backstory

When developing your character’s backstory, we encourage you to include information which illuminates your character’s Concept, Ambition, Desire, Touchstones, Creed, and Drive. The fashion in which these aspects interweave and support each other will serve to increase the depth of your backstory!

The winner of this competition will have their character featured in a future official article with tips on how to create a great character for Hunter: The Reckoning! As the mastermind behind the character, you will be interviewed and can provide your own top tips to be included in the article!

Ready to dive into the competition? Head on over to the discord server to get started!