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Gen Con 2022 with Renegade - The Highlights!

Gen Con 2022 with Renegade - The Highlights!

Posted by Renegade Game Studios on Aug 16th 2022

Gen Con 2022 was Renegade's biggest and best yet! We had a blast with everyone who joined us. 

Missed the show this year? Here are some of the highlights from our week!:

Our booth was HUGE this year! We had an incredible team who put a lot of passion and hard work into making sure it turned out looking great.

We had SO MANY games at Gen Con this year! Fans showed up in full force and took home thousands of awesome games! Here's a list of all our titles that sold out: 

My Father's Work was one of our highlight games available at Gen Con this year, and it sold out Thursday morning in just TWO HOURS!

We scheduled an additional shipment to come in Friday at 2 PM for folks who missed out, and the lines to nearly encircled our entire booth! The back-up shipment sold out just as fast!

We're thrilled that so many people are getting their hands on My Father's Work, and will get to experience the incredible storytelling and gameplay that the game holds!

The My Little Pony Deck-Building Game: Adventures in Equestria and the My Little Pony Deck-Building Game: Familiar Faces Expansion were both available for early purchase at the show! We nearly sold out of the copies we brought for these games as well!

We were thrilled to meet so many fans, and enjoyed seeing their passion and excitement as we discussed the deck-builder, and the upcoming My Little Pony Roleplaying Game! We even got to show off early copies of the Dice Set for the roleplaying game, and boy do they sparkle!

We had a team of incredible Renegade staff running demos all week in Room 139.

The room was packed from open to close every single day - there wasn't a table empty all week for more than ten minutes! We loved seeing gamers come out and enjoy some of our most fun and anticipated titles.



Once the doors closed, we began setting up for our Room 139 evening events! We had a Game Night with Renegade, a Paint & Take, and the Renegade Community Bash!

The Game Night with Renegade was a blast. Community members came out and got a chance to meet and play games with designers and writers from some of their favorite titles! Games were played and signed, laughs were had, and friendships were made. Every seat and table were filled from start to end!


The Paint & Take was a blast. Attendees got to paint and take home miniatures from some of our Power Rangers and G.I. JOE games, including the upcoming Mission Critical! The display of talent and incredible painting skill during the event was pretty mind-blowing. We're always blown away by just how amazing this community is.


The Renegade Community Bash was our final Room 139 event of the week, and boy did it end things with a bang! We had lines that went from the door all the way to the escalators and around the corner! We were truly humbled and elated to see such a turn out of community members. We've said it before, and stand by it: the Renegade gamer community is the best in the world.

We gave away over 100 games and prizes in the Community Bash raffle! Here's a little peek at the lines when we opened the doors early (this is about half of what it amounted to!). For a more detailed look at all the fun community initiatives we ran this year, such as the special Golden Ticket findings, check out this blog!

Hang on, did you think that was all? We haven't even ventured in to Room 138 - our Serpent's Club lounge! 

The Serpent's Club (Room 138) was space that we dedicated to representing our World of Darkness games! Through beautifully designed banners, carefully placed wall art, and specially requested lighting, we crafted an immersive atmosphere that transported guests right into the World of Darkness. 

We had demos, ticketed RPG sessions, and character creation tutorials for our World of Darkness games running in this room all week! Plus, we had even more evening events in this room!

The Hunter: The Reckoning Release party and the Vampire: The Masquerade LARP were fan favorite events!

The Hunter: The Reckoning Release party was all about immersing guests in the atmosphere of the Serpent's Club, and showing off the incredible talent of some of the amazing artists who worked on the Corebook.

We had canvas prints of beautiful art from the Corebook on display. At the end of the evening, we ran a giveaway drawing, and gave each piece to community members!

The Vampire: The Masquerade LARP was also a big hit! The LARP was incredibly well run - our friends at Carcosa Creations are true professionals with a deep passion for the World of Darkness.


After the events, numerous community members stopped us to thank us for reigniting their passion for the World of Darkness. This was such a powerful moment for many of us at Renegade, and made our week!

Wait, there's even more! We had two more locations at Gen Con this year! We had ticketed roleplaying game sessions running upstairs in Room 242 for the Power RangersG.I. JOETransformers, and My Little Pony Roleplaying Games.

PLUS, we were running tournaments for Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals in Hall D! Our presence in Hall D was a whole show in itself - gamer rivalries were formed, trophies were won, and friendships were made. Check out this blog to see all about our Rivals tournaments!

Overall, Gen Con 2022 was simply put: the best. We owe the great time we had to our incredible community of gamers. We look forward to seeing you all again next year!

Don't want to wait until next year to hang out with us again? Join our Discord community to be a part of Renegade!