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Early Access for the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game - With Pre-Gen Character Sheets!

Early Access for the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game - With Pre-Gen Character Sheets!

Posted by Renegade Games on Jan 17th 2022

The PDF version of the Power Rangers Role-Playing Game is now in Early Access, ahead of the full release of the physical book on January 26th! It's time to dive in and start working on your own personal Ranger and campaign!

However, we know that some of you may be new to roleplaying games, or perhaps you just want to dive straight in to playing and learn the system! If that's you, we're also sharing six pre-generated characters, ready to play!

Then, for our GMs, we've got a handy infographic breaking down a Threat's stat block, including some guidelines for building an appropriately difficult encounter for your players to take on!

To celebrate the release of the game, we're designating February Ranger Month! We'll be sharing some additional resources for players And GMs, including videos where Renegade staff go through the character creation process themselves! Keep an eye out for more announcements about that, and now, we hope you're enjoying the game! It's Morphin' Time!

Chris, Red Ranger

One of the Angel Grove All Star sports letterers. Chris plays all the sports, all the time, and loves every minute of every game. They are always team captain and make a great leader. Nobody questions their heart and drive to win – ever.

Cricket, Green Ranger

Well known for their afterschool hijinks with the rest of the skateboarders, Cricket has had to find their way out of hot water several times since they moved to Angel Grove last year – but they will always stick up for the younger kids.

Micah, Blue Ranger

Winner of the Angel Grove ‘Toolbox Award’ each semester, Micah is beyond gifted when it comes to the use of AGHS many workshops. They love taking things apart and putting them back together. There are even a few teachers that have asked Micah to do repairs on their family cars, AC units, and more.

B.J., Yellow Ranger

B.J. has lived most of their junior and high school career with their nose in books – but not text books, encyclopedias, almanacs, and other general resource tomes. They have become a collection of random facts, and they frequently have something to say about the situation, even if it isn’t helpful, or relevant.

Alex, Pink Ranger

Captain of the archery team, Alex is one of the most beloved people in Angel Grove High School. They are always ready to have a warm laugh or a welcoming smile for their fellow students, and from the toughest jocks to the most reclusive loners, they all have something nice to say about Alex.

Drew, Black Ranger

Local graffiti artist and street poet, Drew finds themself at odds with a lot of things going on in the sources of authority. Whether it is planning sit-ins, painting symbols of defiance, or just speaking out against what they feel is a social wrongdoing, they are always involved and helping to lead the charge. They have a heart of gold, and they will always stand for those who cannot stand up for themselves.