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Announcing The Santa vs. Heximas Holiday Pack for Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid!

Announcing The Santa vs. Heximas Holiday Pack for Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid!

Posted by Renegade Games on Sep 23rd 2021

“Evil spells, Santa smells, cursing coal all day. Oh what fun it is to turn kids bad on Christmas Day, hey!” —Heximas

The holidays are a time of mirth and merriment — but this Christmas, it’s also morphin’ time. Heximas has arrived with a bag of cursed coal and a plot to take over the world by transforming people into his mind-controlled minions!

The Power Rangers must enlist the help of their longtime ally, Santa Claus. This time, jolly old Saint Nick is suiting up with a twinkle in his eye and his Reindeer Zord ready to take down anyone who dares to threaten these happy holidays!

Pre-orders are available in the US now, and we expect to open pre-orders to most international customers in the next two weeks!